Persecutions of Christians in the People’s Republic of China
- China
- 20.Aug ‘19
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- 945
- 2
Power in China is concentrated in the hands of the CPC (Communist Party of China) and its Secretary General Xi Jinping, who is also President of the PRC and of other governmental structures.
Atheism is an official ideology of the CPC, and those, who wish to join this party, must renounce their religious beliefs. However, there is a problem – if nothing extraordinary does not happen, by 2030, there will have been 247 million Christians in the continental China, and it will become a state with the largest number of the followers of Christ, leaving behind the states in Africa, South America and the Russian Federation.
To keep control over the religious situation, the ideologists of the Communist party promote an idea of ‘chinization’ of religions (in the first place those that are traditionally non-Chinese). The process of ‘chinization’ is going not as an enculturation of Christianity and Islam into the civilizational model of China. Under the pretence of the ‘chinization’, the Communist party rudely suppresses the religious groups and subjects them. Therefore, it is more to the point to speak about ‘communization’.
There are six examples of the methods, which the CPC uses to ‘work’ with religious communities. We recite them in increasing order of cruelty;
1. Electronic surveillance in churches. In Zhejiang region, the most ‘Christian’ region in the PRC, it is obligatory to install security cameras in churches (the officers will watch immediately through them). The official explanation is antiterrorism protection. It is evident, that the government just wants to control the Christian population of the region.
2. Prohibition on the Internet. On private web sites and in messengers the religious pictures and verbal descriptions of the religious actions are forbidden. Only officially registered religious communities are allowed to do this. Correspondence and web sites are monitored; the forbidden content is blocked without any formal procedures.
3. Limited donations. Any donations from abroad, both private and from organizations, are forbidden. Religious communities can receive donations only from the locals, but if the sum is over 100,000 Yen (924.68$), then a religious organization should inform the local government and specify, who donated these money and how they are going to be spent.
4. Religious education of children is also forbidden. In Zhejiang region, in the city of Wenzhou (Zhejiang region) the local government closed all the Sunday school for children. However, it is not the worst variant – the government of Jiangxi does not allow to attend services with children; the locals are obliged to inform the authorities, if children are seen in church.
5. Arrests of the Christians. As reported by a Christian human right organization “China Aid”, in 2018 more than 10,000 Christian were arrested. So called ‘home churches’, the unregistered Christian communities (predominately Protestants) are most vulnerable. For example, almost all members of a Protestant community “Early Rain Covenant Church” were detained. They were accused of extremism, that is, of making the yearly commemoration of the killed in the Tiananmen square.
6. Demolition of churches, removal of crosses and burning Bibles. CPC persecutes not only the unregistered Christian communities, but even those officially approved. The most outrageous event was the demolition of a church in the city of Linfen, Shanxi region. The building of the Evangelical church was built officially. The local community has constructed it during 12 years, having spent more than 4,700,000$. (The photo is attached) On January 9, 2018 the church was completely destroyed in the next few hours with the help of dynamite and heavy machinery. In Zhejiang region the government forces the local communities to remove crosses from the churches. In social nets video with mass Bibles burning.

Religion Today will monitor the situation in China (concerning both Christians and Muslims) and inform about violations of believers’ rights.
Comments (2)
2007: two surveys were conducted that year to count the number of Christians in China. One of them was conducted by the Protestant missionary Werner Burklin, founder of “China Partner”, an international Christian organisation, and his team of 7,409 surveyors in every province and municipality of China. The other survey was conducted by professor Liu Zhongyu of the East China Normal University of Shanghai. The surveys were conducted independently and along different periods of time, but they reached the same results.
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