Sergey Gavrilov re-elected as the President of IAO

  • 05.Oct ‘20
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Sergey Gavrilov was unanimously re-elected as President of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of Orthodoxy (IAO)

Let us remind you that the Interparliamentary Assembly of Orthodoxy was formed in 1993 and since then it unites European parliamentarians who position themselves as Orthodox politicians. The IAP holds regular events where its members discuss issues of cooperation in the humanitarian sphere, support for traditional values ​​and problems of state-confessional relations in their countries. Last summer, Gavrilov’s speech in the Georgian parliament at the IAP forum sparked a wave of street protests, with many predicting a change in the Assembly’s president in the near future.

However, these predictions did not materialize, and the leading Orthodox political organization remained under the leadership of the Russian delegate. The second person in the IAP, its Secretary General, was elected the representative of the Greek Parliament Maximos Harakopoulos. This is about the confrontation between Greeks and Russians in the Orthodox world. We hope that the new composition of the IAP will be able to help mend relations in the world Orthodox community.

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